Paulette's Blog

0 posts tagged with "email marketing"

What's in a Subject Line?

May 25, 2017

I recently received an email from an an organization I support, which came from an individual’s email address. The subject line read, ‘quick note to say thanks.’ It was written in all lower case and I didn’t immediately recognize the sender’s name - so I was intrigued enough to open the email. I then realized it was from an organization I frequently receive messages from, but because it seemed more personal, I felt compelled to open it. 

Over the past decade, we’ve grown accustomed to...

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Enjoy the Fireworks...and Know Your Audience!

July 3, 2017

In my previous post, I discussed the importance of subject lines in email marketing.

Another key consideration, which I forgot to mention, is the importance of knowing your target audience. Understanding who you are trying to reach through email marketing, and why, is just as important as the language you craft to populate your outbound messaging.

Just this week I received a marketing email that illustrates why it’s important to know your audience, or risk alienating it before recipients...

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